Date: 8 Oct 2022
Manufacturer:Dong Guan ShanliCrafts.
Address: North of Xinjia Industrial Park, Longcheng Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Mineral Oil for WaterWorks, Liquid Motion Bubbler Timer.
Sample Batch No.:
Production Date:
Buyer: Target-US, Wal mart-US;Sample other information:Country of Origin: China;Country of Destination: USA;Supplier: Dong Guan ShanliCrafts.
Requested Age Grading: 3+
Above information and sample(s) was/were submitted and certified by the client, SGSquoted the information with no responsibility as to the accuracy, adequacy and/orcompleteness.
SGS Reference No.:
Date of Sample Received:
Testing Period:
Test Requested:
Test Method:
Test Result(s):
22 Aug 2022
22 Aug 2022-08 Oct 2022
Selected test(s) as requested by client.
Please refer to next page(s).
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Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the items tested, andfor clients interal use only, not to the society has the proof function. This document cannotbe used for improper publicity, without prior written approval of the SGS
Sample Description:
Specimen No.
SGS Sample lD
GZF22-028664.001Sample in bottle
Conclusion(s):With the criteria for evaluation of antimicrobial preservation in ASTM F 963-17 item 8.4.2, the test forthe sample is Pass.
Test Result(s):Antimicrobial Effectiveness testingTest method: USP-NF<51>,official date Official as of 1-May-2018

Limit: According to ASTM F 963-17 item 8.4.2.Shall exhibit a log reduction of >2 (that is, population shall be less thanBacteria1 % of initial inoculum) at 14 days, and show no increase from the 14-dayresult at 28 days.Fungi, Yeast and MoldsShall exhibit no increase from the initial inoculum at either 14 or 28 days.
Unless otherwise stated, the judgement of compliance in this report is based on whether the testresult is within the specified limits or specifications with no account taken of the uncertainty.